Account Alerts
How can I sign up for Alerts for Payment Due, Payment Confirmation, or Outages
To sign up for alerts, call our office or click here for instructions.
For information on CEPA's Texting Service click here.
How can I contact you?
PO Box 188
Lyon, MS 38645
Please call the appropriate office based on your location within the service area.
Lyon Service Area: | (662) 624-8321 | Tunica Service Area: | (662) 363-2931 |
What methods can I use to pay my bill?
Members may a make payment on their account at the Coahoma Headquarters (view on map), online, with our automated phone system, or with our mobile app. We also have three payment Kiosks at the following locations: 3355 Rudyard-Jonestown Rd. Coahoma, MS 38617 (view on map), 3970 White Oak Rd. Tunica, MS (view on map), and Jeffcoat's Family Market - 862 River Rd. Tunica, MS (view on map). There is also one collection agency which may accept payment for Coahoma EPA, and it is First Security Bank in Marks. Payments at the collection site must be made prior to the tenth of the month. Bank draft is also available and can be set up by contacting the offices of Coahoma EPA and completing the proper paper-work. Drafts are processed on or about the eighth of each month on a consumer’s net billing.
Members can set up an online profile to view and pay bills. Click here for instructions on setting up profile.
When is my payment due?
Electric service is billed monthly on the last working day of each month. Your bill will show a net and a gross billing. Net amounts are five percent less than the gross and are accepted with payments made prior to the tenth of the month. Payments received in our offices after the tenth should reflect the gross amount.
Any account not paid by the fifteenth will receive a disconnect notice and will lose services as of the twenty first of the month. Reconnect charges will apply and will have to be paid in order to restore electricity to that location.
Is a security deposit required?
Each service may require a security deposit in addition to the membership fee. The amount of the deposit required in each case will be determined by the association and kept within the guidelines set forth by the Mississippi Public Service Commission. Deposits are refundable, with interest, upon termination of service and the payment of all final charges.
What is the membership fee?
A membership fee of $ 20 is required to become a member of and receive service from Coahoma Electric Power Association. All applicants for membership must be approved by the Board of Directors. The membership fee is refundable to the member upon termination of service and payment of all final charges.
MS River
At what river stage will Coahoma EPA begin to cut power inside the MS River floodplain?
To all Coahoma Electric Members with accounts inside the Mississippi River Floodplain: with the MS river expected to be well above flood levels, CEPA will begin pulling some meters that are at elevated risks when the Helena Gauge reaches 47 feet. Also, there may be extenuating circumstances that may require cutting all power to the flooded areas for safety reasons. Coahoma Electric wants you to be prepared for any circumstances that may arise during this flooding event. Please make arrangements to take care of your frozen and other perishable goods that rely on electricity. We gather our River Stage Data here:
Do you need help with the mobile app?
Is my phone supported? Download our Apps By clicking on the Links Below!
Our Mobile Apps are supported on the following platforms:
Our Mobile Web App version supports the following browser:
- Google Chrome on Android OS 2.3.x and 4.x.x
- Safari on iOS 7.0 and above
- Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7
- BlackBerry browser on BlackBerry OS 6 and above
Is the Mobile App secure?
Yes! All critical information is encrypted in every transaction run through the Apps and the Mobile Web App, and no personal information is stored on your mobile device. However, mobile devices do offer you the ability to store your login information for apps installed on the device. If you choose to store your login information, any person who has access to your mobile device can access your account.
Do I have to buy the Mobile App?
No. Our Mobile App is completely free to download and install.
How do I get the Mobile App for my phone?
Simply look for our name in the App Store or in the Android Market. In the Android Market, if you can't find our App, that likely means your phone is not supported - see the list of supported operating systems.
I have five accounts. Can I see them all in the Mobile App and the Mobile Web App?
Yes. Once you've logged in, you'll be directed to a list of all of your accounts. To see the details for a specific account, simply select that account and the details will display above the list of accounts.
If you only have one account, the details for that account will show up as soon as you log in.
Can I make a payment on multiple accounts?
Yes. From the list of accounts, either select the option to pay all accounts, or select specific accounts for your payment. You can also make a payment to a single account by selecting the payment option when that specific account's details are displayed.
How do I view my bill through the Mobile App?
Our App will display PDF versions of your available bills using the PDF reader you have on your smart device. We support and recommend the Adobe PDF reader for the best results on Android devices. On Android devices, if you do not have the Adobe PDF reader already installed, our App will prompt you to install it from the Android Market to ensure you are able to display and view your PDF bills correctly.
Do you have questions about capital credits?
Why should you care?
So what does this tidbit of information mean to you? Coahoma Electric Power Association is owned by those it serves. It is devoted to improving the lives of those it serves by improving the standard of living for each and every member. Coahoma Electric Power Association is a not-for-profit organization committed to bringing you electricity at the lowest possible cost.
What does not-for-profit mean?
All revenue collected in excess of expenses (the margin) is ultimately returned to you and the other members who purchase electricity from the Cooperative. Your accumulated capital credits represent your current ownership in the Cooperative. To keep interest costs low, the Cooperative temporarily uses your capital instead of borrowing all funds for capital improvements. Capital Credits are not cash.
When will I get paid?
Each spring the board of directors evaluates the financial position of the Cooperative and considers a retirement or cash payment of capital credits. When the elected Board of Directors believe the returning of capital credits will not harm the financial strength of the cooperative they may choose to retire a portion of the capital.
Is it taxable?
If you’re wondering about income tax issues and capital credits, the only time you have to claim capital credits as income is when the check that you receive (not the allocation) includes charges that you claimed as tax deductible for your business or farm. For example, if you claimed 50% of your electric bill as a tax deduction in the year(s) retired, then 50% of your refund is taxable. If you have any questions, please call us. Our capital credit expert is Bob Burke, and he can be reached at the Coahoma Headquarters at (662) 624-8321.